Spotlight on Independent Presses

Scroll down for last week’s press – Permuted Press – and week one’s background on Independent Presses and publishing.

This week I highlight Poisoned Pen Press. *

Dedicated to publishing mysteries, Robert Rosenwald founded Poisoned Pen Press to bring new, exciting voices to one of my favorite genres. Including author Deborah Turrell Atkinson, who you may remember from my previous Spotlight interview (Click here and scroll down to read).

Started in 1997, Poisoned Pen Press is one of the largest publishers of hardcover mysteries in the world.

In addition to great reviews and press for their authors – books published through PPP have garnered two Edgar Award nominations, and the staff continues to receive recognition in the publishing world for their dedication to their craft.

As a side note, I attended a lecture by several authors carried by Poisoned Pen Press, and I can tell you that every one of them spoke passionately about the terrific relationships they have with this organization. Some even spoke about leaving larger, more prestigious presses to work with Poisoned Pen Press because of the excellent personal attention PPP provides their authors.

Though the editorial staff is currently overhauling their submission guidelines, this is an example of an Independent Press that authors can submit to directly. Their new guidelines will be back up soon.

But wait – there’s more. Currently, mystery authors can submit their unpublished manuscripts to their first annual Discover Mystery Contest. Winning author wins $1000 and a publishing contract!

With a deadline of April 30th – there’s still time to submit your work. As with any submission, CAREFULLY read their submission guidelines before sending your material in.

* Background material from their website.

Elena Hartwell

Author and developmental editor.