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High Cotton Mystery: Murder, Mayhem and 4 of a Kind

High Cotton Mystery #1: Murder, Mayhem and 4 of a Kind by Duffy BrownHigh Cotton Mystery

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High Cotton Mystery: Murder, Mayhem and 4 of a Kind

High Cotton Mystery

Author of the High Cotton Mysteries — Duffy Brown

High Cotton MysteryDuffy Brown loves anything with a mystery.

While other girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom.

She has two cats, Spooky and Dr. Watson, her license plate is Sherlock and she conjures up who-done-it stories of her very own for Berkley Prime Crime.

Duffy’s national bestselling Consignment Shop Mystery series is set in Savannah and the Cycle Path Mysteries are set on Mackinac Island.

To learn more about Duffy, click on any of the following links: Website – Facebook

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High Cotton Mystery



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