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Dru Ann Love on Reading, Quilting, and Poetry

Everyone who reads mysteries should be visiting dru’s book musings, a fantastic blog about books, authors, and characters. This week I’m hanging out with the woman behind the blog, the one and only Dru Ann Love!

Dru Ann Love spends her non-working hours behind the scenes on her blog, dru’s book musings and her working hours at the daytime situation where she is a research professional. Dru Ann is an avid reader who writes poetry, creates quilts and is happy to be in “her element” within the mystery community. Dru Ann is a 2017 MWA Raven Award recipient and dru’s book musings is an Anthony Award-nominated blog.

(Photo by Catriona McPherson)

The Interview …

You have an amazing blog for readers and writers in the mystery genre. Between book reviews, a Day in the Life of a Character, showcases, and everything else you do, you bring attention to thousands of books and authors. What prompted you to start your blog?

First, thank you. (You’re welcome!)

My blog started out as a reading journal, however, the blog that you see today was prompted because I had learned that in order to keep readers coming to your blog, you needed to have fresh content at least 3-5 days a week. One day after I had finished reading and the crime was solved, a thought came into my head . . . what is a typical day for the character when they are not solving a murder. And that is how a “Day In The Life” feature came into being. And I always thank Nora McFarland and Misa Ramirez who upon sending a cold request, immediately agreed to do a guest post for this new feature.


What is most important to you as a reader, a compelling character or an engaging plot? Or are they equally important?

They are equally important as they play off one another. The plot will drive the character as the character will drive the plot to bring you a story that you will want to see how it ends. That is why character development is so important, especially in a series.

It all started with Encyclopedia Brown …

What books did you read growing up? When did you start reading mysteries?

I read all kinds of books and magazines growing up. The first book I remember reading is Dick and Jane from school. The first mystery book that I remember reading is Encyclopedia Brown which was part of the Scholastic Reading program.


What’s your favorite way to read? Hardback? e-book? paperback? Do you have a favorite spot to read?

I prefer e-books as my vision is not what it used to be and with carpal tunnel makes it harder to hold a book comfortably. My favorite spot to read is my living room either at the computer desk or on the couch.

You also write poetry and quilt – are you up for sharing a poem and a photo of a quilt?


Black is a color
of only a shade.

There are so many
that we cannot name.

There is cinnamon,
honey, coffee and cream.

Butter, chocolate are
only a dream.

There is more to this
but won’t say no.

The beautiful colors
of beautiful souls.

Thank you! These are gorgeous …

What’s your favorite way to find new books?

I scour Amazon – I love their “Customers who bought this item also bought” feature. I also visit Stop, You’re Killing Me! and the Cozy Mystery List blogs, as well as mentions on social media and newsletters.

For those of you who want to become reviewers….

Words of Wisdom for Book Reviewers:

Be honest. Be kind. Be respectful. (Great advice for everyone! Thanks for visiting Dru Ann – see you soon)

Elena Hartwell

Author and developmental editor.

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Dru Ann

    Thank you for the interview. It was fun

    1. Elena Hartwell

      My pleasure!

  2. Jack

    Hello Druster! You’ve done so much for writers. Thank you!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      I agree, Jack. It made it such a pleasure to interview Dru!

  3. Michele

    Great interview! I enjoyed the poem and finding out how Dru Ann’s blog got started. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Elena Hartwell

      Thank you! I’m so glad Dru Ann shared her work with us – very talented woman 🙂

  4. Gram

    I’d love to see more poetry by Dru Ann on her blog.

    1. Elena Hartwell

      I second that!

  5. Kathy Reel

    I so enjoyed reading this post. Dru Ann Love is a treasure as a friend and a tireless supporter of authors and books in the mystery/crime community! Her unique “A Day in the Life Of” is a great read to get even more of the characters that you can’t get enough of. The quilting and poetry are extended expressions of a creative and beautiful soul.

    1. Elena Hartwell

      I agree with your thoughts completely, Kathy, thank you for reading!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      My thoughts exactly, Sherry. Thanks for visiting.

  6. Mary Angela

    Great post, pictures, and poem! It was fun getting to know the story behind Dru and her terrific blog.

    1. Elena Hartwell

      It definitely makes me want to read more of her poetry! Thanks for dropping by.

  7. Ellen Byron

    The poem is beautiful. Lovely interview. Hi, Dru! And Elena, your website is gorgeous!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      Thank you, Ellen! I’m really pleased with how it turned out. So lucky to have a great designer!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      Thanks, Bruce!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      I agree. So fun to be on the other side of the questions with Dru!

  8. C.Michele

    Love the poem, Dru. I wonder, will you ever try your hand at writing a mystery?

    1. Elena Hartwell

      That’s an excellent question!

  9. Catherine Maiorisi

    Enjoyed the poem and getting to know a little about the woman behind the blog.

    1. Elena Hartwell

      Me too 🙂

  10. Meg

    We LOOOOVE Dru Ann! Love her quilting, and honest reviews. She’s wonderful – can’t wait to see her at Malice Domestic, too.

    1. Elena Hartwell

      I agree – she’s one of the most supportive people I know.

  11. Jeanne

    Beautiful poem, Dru Ann, and a terrific interview. Thank you!

    1. Elena Hartwell

      Hi Jeanne, Thank you for hanging out with us!

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