Brian McDonald Part II

Scroll Down To Read Part I

Your work is published through (Libertary). What led you to work with this publisher?

The truth is it took my six years to find a publisher for my book Invisible Ink. I didn’t have a name so no one wanted the book. If you’ve seen the book you know that it has some very nice endorsements from some pretty high-profile people who were very generous to me. I got those on my own – there was no publisher attached. But even with those names no publisher, or agent, wanted it. I had pretty much given up when someone introduced me to Ken Shear, the publisher of, what was then Libertary. He wanted the book and my feeling was, if he willing to take a chance on me I can take a chance on him even though he is a small publisher.
They have been great. I feel good about trusting my instincts. I think they’re happy too. At least I hope so.

What are you working on now?

I’m in final edits for the new book Ink Spots. And I want to raise the money to make a feature film. In the meantime I’m doing some story consulting work on some really cool projects with some really cool people.

Final Words of Wisdom:

Storytelling is all about seeing the truth and honestly reporting back what you’ve seen. If that doesn’t scare you, then you aren’t looking deep enough.
To read more about Brian McDonald, please visit the following links:

Elena Hartwell

Author and developmental editor.