Spotlight on Kaya McLaren

Kaya McLaren is the author of three novels, Church of the Dog, On the Divinity of Second Chances, and her latest, How I Came toSparkle Again. She wrote her first novel, Church of the Dog, long-hand while sitting in her bathtub. How I Came to Sparkle Again, however, was written on her computer and while she was fully-clothed.

She lives and teaches elementary school on the east slope of Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State. Prior to her job as a teacher, Kaya worked as an archaeologist, massage therapist and was even legally-ordained as a minister, performing three weddings.

When Kaya’s not working she loves to ski, kayak, canoe, sit in hot springs, hike in the moonlight, make music, play with her big dog, Big Cedar and generally run wild and free. 

Elena Hartwell

Author and developmental editor.